Friday, August 04, 2006

Rugby in Europe

So we got to spend the day of rest in least that is how it felt. Friday is the end of week break here for both the Afghans and the coalition. So we went to ISAF (International Security Assistance Forces) that is the European Command that is part of NATO. They have led the effort here for some time and it was nice to be over at ISAF...

There are trees, bushes and a huge soccer field of real grass. That was great. We played "touch" Rugby for about two hours.
What a smoker. The photos will show that we were actually playing on grass. That, in and of itself, made for a great morning. Other than that, I learned that the goal is to stay behind the bal, not to get in front of it...Wow is this sport different from Football.

During our breaks we shared a taste of home with some of our fellow players from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, South Africa and Fiji. We had eight boxes of "Kettle Chips" sent to us from the Marine Corps League fo Salem, Oregon. They were a huge hit. "Crisps! Real Crisps!" shouted one of the Brits. They went over very well. Rob Fraser, the only real rugby star amongst us, led the effort by asking for sponsorship from home and "BINGO!" here come boxes of Kettle Chips and Tillamook Beef Jerky. A real taste of home from Oregon, shared with citizens of the world.

After that, we ate in Europe. Again, that is at least what it felt like. We ate real bread with British Fried Cod and Chips with real Vinegar. It was great.

We then went to have our cafe ( was real cappucinos served in real china tea cups) in the park, a rest area filled with trees and tables and chairs, a nice little park like setting for just that...reading the paper and drinking your tea or coffee after lunch.

There had been some little bunnies running around there I guess, but the stray cats have gotten to them, I guess. It was nice to have a day in Europe amidst the high desert of Afghanistan.

We followed our brief repasse with a meeting with ISAF Battle Group leaders focused on getting humanitarian assistance to a village close to Kabul. Met a team of Finnish civil military experts and a regional representative of the United Nations, also a Finn.

Like I said, it was nice to go to Europe for a day.

-out here


Blogger Thinkfast4 said...

Hey Arnold!

We want to send you guys some concentrated espresso. See How would we mail this to you?

You just add milk to the concentrate and serve cold or hot (from the microwave -- or a sunny porch in Jalalabad).

12:53 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

oh how cool! Glad y"all had some fun!!! Awesome!!!!!

7:59 PM  

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