Spring Break at the Alamo

So one thing that the command group has done better at the Alamo than at any other location in Kabul is to get members of the team to enjoy working together as a coalition team. Due, above all else, to the relative security we have here in Kabul, the leadership was able to schedule a "Spring Break" party for members of the Training Assistance Group and their guests. In addition to the sea of coalition guests that prepared their own special dinners for the party, we hosted the Air Force Rock Band, Max Impact, for a concert that night. It surpassed our Halloween jaunt for festivity and was a great release from the daily grind.
Authorized to wear civilian clothes for the first time for many of us, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen were able to relax and be themselves while enjoying great food and super music. The band even got me up on stage to join them on my Afghan drum. Once they started playing Earth, Wind and Fire tunes, it was sort of a must.
The following day, the band played for the Afghan privates on their day off. It was unquestionably the first time these guys had seen anything like it. It was a great day for the Afghans and a good day to share each others cultures.

This is an awesome blog. It's always so difficult to imagine what life is like for US citizens serving in Afghanistan and also for the Afghan people. You provide insight into both and I really enjoy reading your posts. I'm going to like to your Kabul Golf Course story for a post I'm writing about it. Keep up the good work.
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